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What is "nature play"? What about "free play"? Why are these types of play so valuable for kids?

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How does wearing "best-fit" outdoor gear (clothing, shoes, etc) make a difference when enjoying nature spaces?

Let us know if Stone Soup can help secure a new, reusable water bottle for your child to use and keep. Hydration is a top priority in summer, and every season!

We are committed to the "best practice" of maintaining an adult-to-child ratio of 1:5 or better.

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QUESTIONS ARE GOOD. Have questions about things you see here? About other things you don't see here? Email Trish Hiscock-Austin (G&R Program Director) at [email protected] anytime, and please include a best daytime phone number to reach you. We will likely acknowledge receiving your email, and then call you to respond to your questions. We'd prefer to speak in person i.e. over the phone ~~ typing makes us tired! Let's talk soon.

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An all-important "grown-up attends too" guideline we want to be sure to highlight here, for all "Knee-High Naturalists" and kids age 5yrs & younger: This summer, we REQUIRE a favorite grown-up to stay on-site with any participating child age 5yrs & younger. Please plan accordingly. Upon confirming your little Knee-High Naturalist's spot, we'll reach out to every family with more info on this expectation and related policies. For instance, one favorite grown-up or care-giver may attend with multiple children who are in their care or are from the same family etc. We'll fill you in on the details and work together to make it happen. Thank you! 

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